Legal/Clinical Evaluations and Expert Testimony for Workplace Sex/Gender Claims

Seeking Integrity’s multidisciplinary clinical, legal, and communications team is available, through our Business Integrity community, for psychosexual assessment and evaluation of problematic sexual behaviors (harassment, abuse, discrimination, addiction, offending, etc.). Evaluations, affidavits, and legal briefs can be tailored for use in civil litigation, employment settings, mediation hearings, criminal defense, professional licensing board hearings, and more. Assessments and evaluations can usually be completed in two to four weeks.

Reports typically include:

  • Examination of incident and/or lifetime sexual history, including, when appropriate, information about sexual arousal patterns, addictions, compulsions, abuse history, etc., using ABEL screening, SAPASA 2018, and other assessment instruments, plus corroborating evidence and standard therapeutic and legal interview techniques. Plethysmograph and polygraph evaluations are available when needed.
  • When appropriate, full psychological assessment and evaluation (beyond sexual issues), including general issues, personality disorders, cognitive function, and more, using MMPI, Rorschach, Hare Psychopathy Checklist, and other standardized instruments, plus corroborating evidence and standard therapeutic and legal interview techniques.
  • Predictive evaluations regarding the risk of future harassment, abuse, discrimination, and/or offending behaviors, the likely response to treatment, and an evaluation of other possible outcomes.

Case consultations can be done online, via phone, or in-person. Reports are always based in fact, not fear mongering. All reports provide content suitable for use in courtrooms and mediation hearings, plus “heads up” information about points that opposing counsel is likely to emphasize and argue.

In conjunction with clinical and legal assessment and evaluation reports, we can provide expert witness testimony. With nearly three decades of clinical experience, nearly three decades of legal experience, and multiple highly regarded books, our credentials are unparalleled. Moreover, we are level-headed, clear spoken, and likable. In the past, we have worked with and provided expert advice to not only legal teams, but courts themselves, plus cities and towns, the US military, clergy, corporations, professional organizations, and more.

To learn more about our expert clinical and legal assessments, evaluations, and expert testimony, please visit our Business Integrity community or Contact Us with a request for more information.