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About Us


Meet TheSeeking Integrity Team

Digital-Age Healing and Recovery

Seeking Integrity was founded in the fall of 2017 to move treatment for sex addiction, porn addiction, and paired substance/sex addiction into the 21st century. We recognize that in today’s increasingly digital world, much of our daily life, including addictive behavior, takes place via digital technology. With that knowledge, we believe that support and recovery for these issues should no longer be limited to face-to-face experiences at rehabs, workshops, 12-step meetings, and the local coffee house.

At Seeking Integrity, we believe very strongly that building and maintaining a supportive community of recovery (both online and in the real world) is a key to long-term healing. To this end, our treatment programs incorporate ongoing, no-cost online discussion groups, educational webinars, and other digital work as a part of every client’s treatment and aftercare program. Our goal is to keep our clients in regular contact with the support network that helped them establish sobriety and recovery, no matter where they live.

Our Mission StatementCultivating Personal and Interpersonal Integrity

The mission of Seeking Integrity is to form and nurture accessible, comprehensive, interactive communities for people seeking to understand, address, and redress with integrity behavioral health challenges wherever and however they manifest.

Confidentiality Policy

We are committed to ensuring your confidentiality throughout any and all telephone, electronic (text/email), or written interactions. Should you join our program and wish us to communicate with anyone involved in your life (therapist, spouse, partner, parent, etc.), we will ask you to sign a written release that lets us do that. That said, there are required legal limits to your confidentiality governed by Federal and State legislation. To familiarize yourself with this information, we have provided the following links:

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Seeking Integrity is committed to diversity and equal access to meaningful treatment for all clients. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, physical health (including HIV status), veteran, military, marital, or any other legally protected status. We simply screen each individual to determine whether we can help.

If you worry about fitting in and finding acceptance, we greet you with open arms. At Seeking Integrity, our work addresses human sexuality in all its infinite variations. We will embrace and accept you as you are at every stage of your healing process.

Speak with a Seeking Integrity Staff Member Regarding Treatment. Call (747) 234-HEAL (4325)
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