Our Addiction Treatment Philosophy
At Seeking Integrity, one size does not fit all. We offer a constellation of highly individualized treatment programming for sex addiction, porn addiction, and paired sex and drug addiction. Please note that we purposefully place clients who share these very similar problems together. As nearly all our clients are intensity seeking, emotionally cut off men who are filled with shame and fearful of further losses, it makes sense that their short-term and longer-term problems are comparable and relatable. Thus, they belong in and benefit from the same (though highly individualized) addiction treatment programming.
No one chooses to have a sex, porn, or drug problem. No person just wakes up one morning and thinks, “Hey, why not start abusing myself, lying to my spouse, cheating on my relationship, and risking everything in life that I have worked to achieve.” Yet that is what happens with addiction. And these problems, once they set in, cannot be solved without expert assistance.
Our job at Seeking Integrity is to help you stop your addictive behavior, lift you out of shame, and help you identify, understand, and healthfully deal with the underlying issues that drive and keep you stuck in sex addiction, porn addiction, or sexual behaviors paired with substance abuse. With our cutting-edge, digital-age, accountability-based program of recovery and healing, you can reclaim your sense of self, rebuild your relationships, and become the man you truly want to be.