Seeking Integrity offers a wide range of low-cost live-facilitated online workgroups for addicts and betrayed partners impacted by sex/porn addiction and infidelity.

  • Six-Week and Twelve-Week Workgroups
  • Meet Weekly via Zoom 
  • Often Therapist Recommended as an Adjunct to Therapy

Workgroup Testimonials

Sex Addiction 101 Workgroups for Men (Three Parts)

Your Sex Life is Secretive and Out-of-Control

Identify the Issues That Drive Your Addiction

Move Forward as a Sexually Sober Man

After completing the Sex Addiction 101 workgroup series, you may want to consider:

  • Out of the Doghouse
  • Healthy Intimacy and Healthy Sexuality
  • Healing Attachment Wounds
  • Going Deeper (Healing the Inner Child)
  • Why Men Struggle to Love

Porn Addiction 101 Workgroups for Men (Two Parts)

Your Porn Use Is Secretive and Out-of-Control

Underlying Issues and Life Without Porn

Out of the Doghouse: Rebuilding Your Relationship Workgroups for Men (Two Parts)

You’ve Cheated and Want to Save Your Relationship

In addition to this workgroup focused on relationship repair, you may want to consider:

  • Healthy Intimacy and Healthy Sexuality
  • Why Men Struggle to Love
  • Healing Attachment Wounds
  • Going Deeper (Healing the Inner Child)

Workgroups for Betrayed Partners (Two Parts)

Your Partner Cheated and You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

You’re Ready to Practice Strategies for Better Outcomes

Boundaries Workgroups for Betrayed Partners (Two Sessions)

Boundaries for Inner Strength

Boundaries for Relationship Healing

Why Men Struggle to Love Workgroup 

You Find Emotional Intimacy Frightening or Unattainable

In addition to this workgroup looking at your intimacy issues, you may want to consider:

  • Out of the Doghouse
  • Healthy Intimacy and Healthy Sexuality
  • Healing Attachment Wounds
  • Going Deeper (Healing the Inner Child)

Healing Attachment Wounds Workgroup for Men

Childhood Trauma Is Impacting Your Adult Life

In addition to this workgroup looking at early-life attachment wounds, you may want to consider:

  • Out of the Doghouse
  • Healthy Intimacy and Healthy Sexuality
  • Going Deeper (Healing the Inner Child)
  • Why Men Struggle to Love

Going Deeper (Inner Child) Workgroup for Men

You Want to Understand Your Inner-Child

In addition to this workgroup looking at your inner child, you may want to consider:

  • Out of the Doghouse
  • Healthy Intimacy and Healthy Sexuality
  • Healing Attachment Wounds
  • Why Men Struggle to Love

Healthy Intimacy and Healthy Sexuality Workgroups for Men (Two Parts)

Your Addiction Has Prevented Emotional Intimacy

In addition to this workgroup looking at healthy intimacy and sexuality, you may want to consider:

  • Out of the Doghouse
  • Healing Attachment Wounds
  • Going Deeper (Healing the Inner Child)
  • Why Men Struggle to Love
Workgroup Terms and Conditions
Thank you for registering for a Workgroup presented by Seeking Integrity LLC (“SI”). Please note the following terms and conditions that govern your participation in a SI Workgroup.

  1. Workgroups are intended solely for informational, support, accountability, and/or educational purposes. Workgroups are not intended to constitute and/or be a substitute for psychotherapy.
  2. Although a Workgroup Facilitator may be a licensed professional, the Workgroup will not involve services for which a license is required, including psychotherapy, and the Workgroup usually will not be covered by insurance. No Superbill will be provided.
  3. Neither SI nor any agent thereof makes any guarantees, representations, or warranties as to the efficacy of the Workgroup experience. Often, how effective a Workgroup experience is depends on you, your willingness to do the work, your willingness to engage, and your willingness to be honest with yourself and others.
  4. Once payment for a Workgroup is received, the payment is non-refundable, and generally, the Workgroup is not subject to rescheduling. In extraordinary circumstances, and in the sole discretion of SI, a Workgroup may be rescheduled once.
  5. SI respects a participant’s privacy and will, to the extent legally permissible, maintain in confidence any information a participant discloses during a Workgroup. Participants are similarly expected to respect the confidentiality of a Workgroup. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no legal privilege will apply to any communication between a participant and a Facilitator and/or other participants. As such, SI and Facilitators will comply with any legally required and/or compelled disclosure.
  6. Discussions of sex, sexuality, sexual practices, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, kink, fetish, porn, intimacy, and/or relationships may be discussed during Workgroups. Sometimes, discussions concerning these topics may be triggering for a participant. If you are triggered by any topic, please let the Facilitator know so that your reaction to the discussion can be addressed.
  7. Neither SI nor any Facilitator intends to offend the standards of any community in which a participant resides. If anyone believes that any topic addressed in a Workgroup offends a community standard, please advise SI so that any such concern may be addressed.
  8. Inappropriate language and/or conduct during a Workgroup shall not be tolerated, and in the sole discretion of a Facilitator, a participant may be silenced and/or excluded from one or more Workgroup sessions on these grounds. If a participant’s right to participate is terminated on these grounds, no refund will be provided, and the participant will be prohibited from registering for further Workgroups.
  9. Any opinions expressed by any Facilitator during a Workgroup are solely those of the Facilitator and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of SI.
  10. If a Facilitator makes a referral and/or otherwise suggests resources to a participant, neither the Facilitator nor SI makes any representation and/or warranty as to the ultimate efficacy of such referral or suggestions. Participants shall make independent determinations and assessments as to what is appropriate for themselves.